Announcement of Interim Dividend I 2022






In accordance with the decision of the Meeting of the Board of Directors of PT Eastparc Hotel Tbk (the “Company”) as stated in the Decree of the Board of Directors of the Company Number 0002/PT.EPH-Tbk/DIR-SK/IV/2022 dated April 6, 2022, the Company hereby announces to all stakeholders Shareholders of the Company that the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners of the Company have decided to distribute an interim dividend for the fiscal year 2022 of Rp1.52 (one point five two rupiah) per share which is distributed to the entitled shareholders. The schedule and procedure for the payment of cash dividends are as follows:

Interim Dividend Distribution Schedule:

No. Description Date
1. Dividend cum date in Regular Market and Negotiation Market April 18, 2022
2. Dividend ex date in Regular Market and Negotiation Market April 19, 2022
3. Dividend cum date in Cash Market April 20, 2022
4. Dividend ex date in Cash Market April 21, 2022
5. Recording date (who are entitled to dividends) April 20, 2022
6. Dividend payment date April 27, 2022

Dividend Distribution Procedure:

  1. The Cash Dividend will be distributed to Shareholders whose names are recorded in the Company’s Register of Shareholders (recording date) on April 20, 2022 until 16.00 WIB.
  2. For shareholders whose shares are placed in KSEI’s collective custody, interim dividend payments will be made through KSEI and will be distributed on 27 April 2022 into the Customer Fund Account (RDN) at the Securities Company and/or Custodian Bank where the Shareholders open a securities sub-account. As for the shareholders of the Company whose shares are not included in the collective custody of KSEI, the payment of the Interim dividend will be transferred to the account of the shareholders of the Company.
  3. The interim dividend will be taxed in accordance with the applicable tax laws and regulations. The amount of tax that will be charged will be borne by the shareholders of the Company concerned and deducted from the amount of Interim dividends that become the rights of the shareholders of the Company concerned.
  4. Shareholders who are Domestic Taxpayers (WPDN) in the form of legal entities, who have not submitted their Taxpayer Identification Numbers (NPWP) to the Securities Company or Custodian Bank where the shareholders have opened securities accounts, are required to submit their NPWP to KSEI through the Securities Company or Custodian Bank. where shareholders open securities accounts, no later than April 20, 2022 at 16.00 WIB.
  5. Shareholders who are Overseas Taxpayers whose tax withholding will use a rate based on the Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement (“P3B”) must comply with the requirements of the Director General of Taxes Regulation No. PER-25/PJ/2018 concerning Procedures for the Application of Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement and submitting a document of proof of record or receipt of DGT/SKD that has been uploaded to the website of the Directorate General of Taxes to KSEI or BAE in accordance with the rules and regulations of KSEI, without the said document, dividends The amount paid will be subject to Article 26 Income Tax of 20%.
  6. For Shareholders whose shares are in the collective custody of KSEI, proof of dividend tax withholding can be collected at the Securities Company and/or Custodian Bank where the Shareholders open a sub-account and for Clearing Shareholders it can be collected at the Company’s Securities Administration Bureau (BAE) at the following address:

PT Adimitra Jasa Korpora

Kirana Boutique Office

Jl. Kirana Avenue III Blok F3 No. 5, Kelapa Gading – Jakarta Utara 14250

Telepon: +6221 29745222 / Fax: +6221 29289961

  1. This announcement is an official notification from the Company and the Company does not issue a special notification letter to the Shareholders.

Yogyakarta, April 7, 2022

PT Eastparc Hotel Tbk

Board of Directors

Download the announcement at the following link:

Pengumuman Dividen Interim I 2022